Club Info, Meeting Info, Minimum Club Requirements, Off Road "How To" Guide, Safety Topics, and Tread Lightly
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Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:43 pm

Article 1 - Name
This organization shall be known as the Red River Jeep Club (RRJC).

Article 2 - Membership

Section A
Eligibility: Voting members shall be limited to those having the use of a Jeep vehicle with a limit of 2 voting members per vehicle.

Section B
Members leaving RRJC are asked to remove all RRJC decals/identification.

Section C
It shall be the duty of each member to abide by all laws and rules and regulations, and the by-laws of RRJC. Each member shall participate, co-operate and support RRJC to the best of their ability.

Section D
Any member who is deemed objectionable to RRJC by the Executive Board may, upon written complaint, be removed from RRJC membership by a 51% vote of the membership present and voting, and their dues refunded on a prorated basis.

Article 3 - Dues and Finance

Section A
Annual Dues shall be $25.00

Section B
The Fiscal year shall start April 1 and end March 31.

Section C
The RRJC Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of all dues.

Section D
Expenditures and commitments shall not exceed the amount of cash on hand.

Article 5 - Officers and their duties

Section A
The Executive Officers of RRJC shall be:
  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Secretary*
  4. Treasurer*
* Secretary and Treasurer will be combined until membership numbers warrant separate duties.

Section B
The President shall preside over all meetings and serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President shall act as ex officio member on all committees. When deemed necessary, the President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors or a General Meeting. A quorum shall be necessary to transact business. The President may appoint all special committees when deemed necessary. It is the President’s duty to see that committees are filled, organized and that they meet regularly, as evidenced by their secretaries reports to them.

Section C
In the President's absence the Vice-President will act in the President's stead with the full powers of the President. Upon the Presidents orders the Vice-President may act in the President's stead even though the President is absent or disabled. In addition, to provide coverage for the Treasurer, the Vice-President will have signing authority on the RRJC bank account.

Section D
Secretary's duties: It shall be the duty of the Secretary of RRJC to keep a true and accurate record of the Membership, to be supplied to the Membership Committee, and to keep correct minutes of all meetings, including Board of Directors meetings. Sufficient copies of the board meetings shall be made, so that the officers and Committee Chair shall each receive a copy. Copies of the minutes of all meetings shall be given to the President and Vice-President.

Section E
Treasurer Duties: The Treasurer shall have in custody all monies and properties of RRJC and to pay all expenditures of RRJC when authorized in accordance with the by-laws. The Treasurer shall give a financial report at each monthly meeting. Upon ending their term, the Treasurer shall deliver to their successor all monies, documents, and RRJC property.

Section F
Board of Directors: Shall be comprised of the Executive and Committee Chairpersons. The Board of Directors shall govern and supervise all affairs of RRJC and will have final decision on all matters brought forward by the Committee with Committee recommendations in accordance with RRJC by-laws. A majority vote from the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for a Board Meeting.

Section G
The voting power of the voting board members shall be one vote per member of Board of Directors.

Article 5 - Nominations and Election Officers

Section A
Any Member in good standing for thirty days immediately prior to nomination, shall be eligible to hold office.

Section B
Officers shall be elected in the following order:
  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
Officers shall serve one calendar year.

Section C
Elections shall be held in April.

Section D
Nominations may be closed by the Chair after the 3rd call for that office.

Section E
At least 60 days prior to the annual election the President shall appoint a Nomination Committee which shall nominate members for the offices for the coming year to be presented at the election meeting.
The Committee shall conduct the election; nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting prior to the election.

Section F
The President Elect must vacate any other office prior to election, as does the Vice-President.

Section G
Elections shall be won by a majority vote of those members present and voting. Voting members must be over 16 years old, each member is allowed one vote.

Section H
Any officer who is deemed objectionable to RRJC by the Executive Board, may, by written complaint, be removed from office by a two third vote of the membership present and voting. Info on such vote to be supplied to each member of record by email not less than 10 days prior to such vote. Members without email will be contacted by phone if possible.

Article 6 - Committees

Section A
All committees shall be formed upon need and report to the President and membership at meetings about progress in whatever area they are working.

Article 7 - Meetings

Section A
Meetings shall be designated by the Board of Directors.

Section B
A quorum to transact business shall consist of 50% of eligible voting members until membership levels reach 25 persons, then after that 30%.

Section C
Order of Business shall be:
  1. Call to order
  2. Count of members
  3. Reading minutes of last meeting
  4. Treasurer's report
  5. Committee reports
  6. Old business
  7. New business
  8. Adjournment

Article 8 - Amendments

Section A
Proposed amendments to these by-laws shall be submitted, in writing to the Secretary at any Monthly Meeting. They shall be read by the Secretary and then discussed for a reasonable time to be determined by the President and then deferred until the next meeting where a vote will be taken to determine if any changes will occur.

Article 9 - Bookkeeping and Records

Section A
The books and records of RRJC shall be audited at least once a year by 2 of the Directors of RRJC. Any member may also inspect the books at the Annual General Meeting which will be held in the month of November.
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Last edited by LOBSTER on Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Revised as per member vote on June 2, 2021.

Re: Articles/Constitution

Mon May 16, 2022 2:16 pm

The RRJC A+C Review Committee and Executive are proud to announce that using the criteria of our original A+C we were able to pass the new one we worked on at the May 2022 meeting!

I have some clean-up to do in Teams, the Forum, and Facebook but will work on finalizing the transition to it tonight!

BIG THANK YOU to all members who participated in this process!

Changes Passed

May 2022 Minutes

Revised RRJC Articles and Constitution voted in!

Tue May 17, 2022 11:59 pm

The original version required us to meet 30% of members to vote for the revision. The May 2022 meeting allowed us to meet this requirements and the revision has passed.

Massive thank you to: every member who shared thoughts at meetings; participated on the A+C Review Committee; participated during online review sessions or the many drafts; and to those participated at the meeting to vote on it.

Congratulations everyone!

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Articles & Constitution
Red River Jeep Club

 Article 1 – Name 
 Article 2 – What We Do 
 Article 3 – Membership 
 Article 4 – Dues & Finance 
 Article 5 – Executive Officers 
 Article 6 – Executive Elections 
 Article 7 – Committees 
 Article 8 – Monthly Meetings 
 Article 9 – Amendments 
 Article 10 – Bookkeeping & Records 
 Appendix A – RRJC Regulations & Equipment 

Executive Election Year EEY
Election Month EM
Fiscal Year FY
Manitoba Association of Automobile Clubs MAAC
Off Road Vehicle ORV
Red River Jeep Club RRJC

 Article 1 – Name 
This organization shall be known as the Red River Jeep Club (RRJC).

 Article 2 – What We Do 
We are a MAAC registered group of Jeep enthusiasts who enjoy spending time turning wrenches, telling stories, and most of all exploring some of the most beautiful terrain Manitoba has to offer. We organize exciting family-oriented events, off-road runs, and overnight camping weekends. We aspire to follow Tread Lightly principles so that Manitoba will remain a 4x4 friendly province.

 Article 3 – Membership 
Section 3.1 – Code of Conduct
It shall be the duty of each member to abide by all laws, bylaws, and RRJC Regulations . Each member shall participate, co-operate and support RRJC to the best of their ability. Members shall conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on RRJC.
Section 3.2 - Dues
Membership starts when dues are paid in full and ends as per Article 4 Section 4.1.Membership may include more than one individual, where each individual holds/is permitted one (1) vote provided they are at least sixteen (16) years old.
Voting members per membership shall be limited to those having the use of a Jeep vehicle with a limit of two (2) voting members per vehicle.
Section 3.3 - Removal
Any member who is deemed objectionable to RRJC by the Executive Board may, upon written complaint, be removed from RRJC membership by a fifty one percent (51%) vote of the membership present and voting. Should a member be removed from RRJC membership, their dues would be refunded on a prorated basis.
Section 3.4 – De-badging
Members leaving or removed from RRJC are expected to remove all RRJC decals/identification.

 Article 4 – Dues & Finance 
Section 4.1 - Dues
Annual Dues shall be payable before the start of the Executive Election Year (EEY). Should a member join from December through March, their dues will carry them through to the following EEY.
Section 4.2 – Fiscal Year
The EEY shall start April 1 and end March 31.
The Fiscal Year (FY), for accounting purposes, shall start January 1 and end December 31.
Section 4.3 – Signatories
The RRJC Treasurer and Vice-President shall be signatories on the RRJC bank account. The Treasurer shall be the primary signatory and the only card holder.
Section 4.4 – Executive Officer Spending Threshold
Expenditures and commitments shall not exceed the amount of cash on hand.
The Executive Officers shall not exceed a spending threshold of five hundred dollars ($500), before taxes and any additional fees (if applicable). Anything above this threshold shall be brought to the Membership at large to vote on as specified in Article 8 Section 8.2.

 Article 5 – Executive Officers 
Section 5.1 – Length of Term & Position Descriptions
The Executive Officers of RRJC shall serve one (1) EEY and be elected in the following order:
Section 5.1.1 – President
The President shall preside over all meetings. It is the President’s duty to see that committees are filled, organized and that they meet regularly, as evidenced by their secretaries’ reports. The President shall act as ex officio member on all committees.
Section 5.1.2 – Vice-President
In the President's absence, the Vice-President will act in the President's stead with the full powers of the President. In addition, to provide coverage for the Treasurer, the Vice-President will also have signatory authority on the RRJC bank account as specified in Article 4 Section 4.3.
Section 5.1.3 – Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of RRJC to keep a true and accurate record of the Membership and to keep minutes of all meetings. Electronic archival of Monthly Meeting minutes must be accessible to all members.
Section 5.1.4 - Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have in custody all monies and properties of RRJC and to pay all expenditures of RRJC when authorized in accordance with the by-laws. The Treasurer shall give a financial report at each Monthly Meeting. Upon ending their term, the Treasurer shall deliver to their successor all monies, documents, and RRJC property.

 Article 6 – Executive Elections 
Section 6.1 – Elections & By-Elections
Elections shall be held at the April Monthly Meeting. Should an event occur where an existing Executive Officer position is vacated, prior to the end of the EEY, calling a by-election may be requested by the membership at a Monthly Meeting.
Section 6.2 – Announcement
At least 60 days prior to the annual election the President shall appoint a Nominations Committee which shall nominate members for the offices for the coming year to be presented at the Election Meeting (EM). The Nominations Committee shall conduct the EM and nominations for Executive Officers must be submitted prior to the conclusion of the March Monthly Meeting.
Section 6.3 – Eligibility
Eligibility to hold an executive position, members must have their dues paid in full for the EEY term that they are nominated.
Section 6.4 – Closing of Nominations
Nominations may be closed by the Nominations Committee Chairperson should the number become unmanageable as defined by the Nominations Committee.
Section 6.5 – Results
Elections shall be won by a majority vote of those members present and voting.
Section 6.6 – President Elect
The President Elect maintains any other office prior to election, as does the Vice-President Elect, until such time as the voting is complete and new Executive Officer(s) is(are) announced.
Section 6.7 – Officer Removal
Any officer who is deemed objectionable to RRJC by the Executive Board, may by written complaint, be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the membership present and voting. Information on such vote to be supplied to each member of record electronically not less than ten (10) days prior to such vote.

 Article 7 – Committees 
All committees shall be formed upon need and report to the President about progress in whatever area they are responsible for. It is each committee’s responsibility, upon formation, to decide who the Committee Chairperson shall be. The President shall act as ex officio member on all committees.

 Article 8 – Monthly Meetings 
Section 8.1 – Monthly Meetings
Monthly Meetings shall be scheduled by the Executive Officers.
Section 8.2 – Quorum
A quorum to transact business shall consist of at least twelve (12) eligible voting members plus one (1) Executive Officer must occur at a Monthly Meeting. At a meeting where a vote will be taken, and there aren’t enough members present to meet the quorum, no official business can be conducted.
Section 8.3 – Order of Business
Order of Business shall be:
1. Call to order
2. Count of members
3. Treasurer's report
4. Committee reports
5. RRJC Business
6. Open Forum
7. Adjournment

 Article 9 – Amendments 
Proposed amendments to the RRJC Articles & Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary for review at a Monthly Meeting. They shall be read by the Secretary and discussed for a reasonable time defined by the President. A vote will be taken at the next Monthly Meeting where it will be determined if any changes will occur.

 Article 10 – Bookkeeping & Records 
The books and records of RRJC shall be made available to any current paid member upon request to an Executive Officer. Private information will not be shared outside of Executive Officers without Member consent.
An audit may be performed by a committee comprised of current paid members on a volunteer basis. Three months’ notice must be provided to the Executive Officers. Volunteers will be identified at the Monthly Meeting following the initial request for audit.

 Appendix A – RRJC Regulations & Equipment 
1. All vehicles must have a valid registration and insurance.
a. Vehicles towed to an off-road run must have at minimum an ORV (Off Road Vehicle) plate.
2. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license.
3. Zero tolerance with regards to the influence of drugs/alcohol.
4. A drivers’ meeting to be held prior to rollout and a Trail Boss must be appointed.
5. If the group is travelling on highway together, the convoy must be courteous to other users of the road.
a. Ensure your headlights are on, not Auto, so taillights are illuminated.
b. Stay in the right lane except to pass or turn left.
c. Following distance between vehicles must allow space for other drivers to move in and out of the convoy.
d. No passing other vehicles in the convoy unless communicated prior.
e. Communicate the need to pull over to the group by turning on your hazard signals before gradually slowing down so those behind you can do so as well.
6. If you are leaving the group, let the Trail Boss know.
7. Practice Tread Lightly .
8. Guardians must keep an eye on their children.
9. Pets must be firmly held on a leash at all times when outside of the vehicle.

The following is not totally inclusive and serves as a guideline for all to enjoy their experience.

Strongly Recommended
1. Seatbelts for all occupants.
2. Recovery points front and rear, ball-type hitches are not acceptable.
3. Full size spare tire and means to remove it.
4. Open top vehicles must have at least the factory roll-over bar.
5. Recovery strap or kinetic rope with loops at both ends rated to at least 27,000 lb.
6. Spill kit.
7. Clevises/Shackles rated for the application.
8. Skid plates, factory/aftermarket, to protect your vehicles’ undercarriage.
9. A/B/C fire extinguisher.
10. First Aid Kit.
11. Communications equipment approved by RRJC.

1. Air compressor and tire pressure gauge.
2. Winch rated at least 1 ½ times the weight of the vehicle, tree saver, and tackle (snatch block).
3. Hi-Lift, farm, or bottle jack.
4. Tools, spare parts, and extra fluids such as:
a. Ratchet straps
b. Axe/Saw
c. Booster cables
d. Tarp
e. Shovel/spade
f. Work gloves
g. Fuel, coolant, washer, oil, etc.
5. Clothing suitable to the conditions including a spare set.
6. Sunscreen & bug repellent.
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