When you pay, you receive:
- Oil spill kit (1st year)
- Decal (1st year and/or on demand within reason)
- Membership to Manitoba Association of Automobile Clubs (MAAC)
- Metal membership card!
- Full access to http://www.RedRiverJeepClub.com
- Access to our Microsoft Teams: attend/host virtual meetings with other members, post topics, chat, etc...
What expenses does the RRJC have?
- One time per member: oil spill kits ($10), decal ($3), and metal membership card ($6)
- Recurring:MB name registration, MAAC Dues, Website Hosting, BBQ and Christmas Party expenses,
What else do we do with the money?
RRJC goal is not to raise money. To achieve this our goal is to break even on everything we have. Normally, we reduce our balance to $0 before year's end by giving back to the members who attend the Christmas Party and/or donating to charities that we vote on.